Behind the brand

Hi! I'm Ivy, the founder of Ivy Chan Wellness, classical with a twist, providing ancient wisdom for modern folk! I'm so glad you're here. 



Asian woman sitting on a couch with her laptop.

It’s easy to fall into the comparison trap, especially with social media highlighting everyone else’s accomplishments. But no matter how successful others may seem, their journeys likely haven’t been linear or failure-free. Here are 5 tips to stop comparing and start pursuing your own fulfilling path:

  1. Failure is part of the process.

    Overcoming setbacks builds resilience and gives you the strength to keep moving forward. Trust me, if you’ve never failed, you’ve never tried anything new or grown out of your comfort zone.

  2. Let your passions guide you.

    When you stop forcing yourself down an unfulfilling path just because it seems well-marked, you’ll feel fatigue, exhaustion, and burnout quickly. Follow what energizes you.

  3. Show self-compassion when you compare yourself to others.

    We all compare ourselves to others. It’s okay. The trick is to not let it consume you. Get curious instead. Note how you feel when you see someone succeeding in a way you’d like to. Let them motivate you.

  4. Surround yourself with inspirational people.

    Everything is energy, and we “digest” all of that. Surround yourself with inspirational people whose values align with yours.

  5. Wherever you are, be right there.

    I know this sounds like a cliche, but consider that you’re where you’re meant to be right now. Trust in your future accomplishments. I mean, life is HARD. And sometimes getting out of bed is an accomplishment. You’re already doing so much simply by persisting. Be proud of yourself.

Redirect your focus inward to chart your own fulfilling course. Tune out the noise, and tune into your own dreams. You’ve got this!


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The call is a wealth of information available at a moments click. I like being in a special club with others who also see this immense value of support and solutions. What a gift to be able to filter out the health noise of confusion and tune in a path to wellness.”

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behind the brand

Ivy Chan Wellness

Hi! I'm Ivy, the founder of Ivy Chan Wellness, classical with a twist, providing ancient wisdom for modern folk! I'm so glad you're here. 


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